Strategies for Continued Marketing & Business Development in a Climate of Social Distancing
In this time of uncertainty – with the continued impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) unfolding – many of our clients are asking, “How do we continue our marketing & business development activities in a world of social distancing and possible isolation?”
The answer? Shift and adapt. It’s critical we don’t put business on hold. During the financial crisis of 2008, firms that invested in strategy, branding, outreach, and training emerged stronger than ever! It’s critical today to ramp up marketing and business development planning, key pieces of your overall strategy.
At Elevate Marketing Advisors, we’re driven to help people and firms realize their beyond. We’re here to help you continue looking forward and, with the use of virtual technology, we’re adapting to provide you and your teams with learning, coaching, and guidance remotely to enhance your skills, develop thought leadership content, and build a plan that keeps your business moving forward.
Here are some key areas of focus as you consider strengthening your marketing and business development activity while letting clients know you are taking care of business:
Engage in market research to get ahead of a changing market and better plan for the future.
Develop BD, marketing, and client capture plans.
Audit your BD and marketing processes to strengthen your approach.
Develop a focused social media strategy based on client needs and pain points.
Improve (or develop) your client experience strategy.
Create recruitment/retention strategies that consider the current environment.
Ask your clients what you can do to support them during this time of uncertainty.
Create and send out thought leadership content positioning your team as the go-to experts able to quickly adapt to challenging external forces.
Offer virtual lunch & learns to your clients.
Conduct a client perception study to understand your clients pain points and your differentiators.
Focus on building skills! Use live, virtual training to bring learning to your team.
Elevate is continually looking for ways to bring our values to life. Investing in relationships is core to who we are. Our team is ready to meet with you through one-hour virtual sessions to coach you through building a plan of action. And, if you don’t have the capacity, we can offer services to help you implement. Do what you do best and leave the rest to us!
Another of our core values is delivering with intention. To uphold that value, Elevate is hosting a Business Development Cohort through our Zoom platform to bring BD professionals together to discuss how we can help lead our firms through the current crisis by ramping up BD efforts. Registration is limited to 100 people who will be divided into smaller cohort groups to facilitate interactive discussion.
Elevate’s here to help you thrive, not just survive as we face a daily changing world. When we return to business as usual, we want your firm to be stronger than ever and ready to win.
Contact Jen Newman, CPSM at or Doug Parker, FSMPS, CPSM at doug@elevatemarketingadvisors to help you today!